A husband shoots his wife in the back nine times with a
rifle as neighbors watch and cheer. The first four shots shake her body as it
falls to the ground. He hears the crowds’ encouragement and shoots her corpse
again and again. The onlookers return to
their lives and he is exalted as an honorable man.
While these actions are close to unimaginable, reporters speculate
that this is the story behind a recently circulated execution video from Kabul,
Afghanistan. Here, as in a handful of countries, infidelity by women is
punishable by death. In many other parts of the world, suspicions of infidelity lead to
culturally condoned violence.
This violence is often perpetuated, endorsed, and watched by the friends and relatives of the victim. Lest we recoil and think this is a rare reaction
from people who live far away and pray to a different God, I’d like to remind
us that we are all made of the same human material and it wasn’t long ago that
public executions were the social event of the week in much of Europe. It is also this
same human nature that constructs gender inequality across all cultures and perpetuates
domestic violence in the most “civilized” echelons of society.