Psych Your Mind

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Fun: Our first readership poll

Everyone loves a Friday Fun Poll!
What can we say, we like collecting data. So take a break from whatever you're doing and fill out the polls below to tell us a little bit about yourselves!

Poll results...

How did you find psych your mind? How often do you visit us? Which posts are your favorite? Now we'd like to hear all about you!

How familiar are you with psychological research? I am... I am... I live in... I am a... I am... My household income is... I have a... I'm sure we've forgotten some important options in our multiple choice questions, and we'd love to hear more about you and what types of posts you'd like to read... so please tell us more in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. how do you insert a poll question in your blog?


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